Morning Time Primer IV: History and Literature
As promised, here are a few nuts and bolts helps for planning your Morning Time reading. But, before I do that, I have to say something to those of you who have not started Morning Time with your family yet.
Morning Time Primer III: Ages and Stages
As I look back at our Morning Times from the perspective of years, Tennyson’s brook comes to mind.
Morning Time Primer II: Making Time
Making time for Morning Time will probably require some re-imagining of what “doing school” should look like. If you are new to Morning Time, you will set yourself up for endless frustration if you try to simply add it on top of what you are currently doing—or what you think you should be doing.
Morning Time Primer I: Our Daily Feast
From the earliest days of our homeschool (22 years ago!), we spent at least an hour—and sometimes far more!—each day reading aloud, thanks to the influence of folks like Susan Schaeffer-Macaulay and Sally Clarkson.